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Position in project: Responsible of educative actions in Agrupamento de Escolas de Lousã 

Surname, First name: Rodrigues, Mário Maia

Organisation: Agrupamento de Escolas de Lousã   

Position/Category: Teacher of Physical Education





35 years experience as Physical Education teacher.

Started the career in Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero, teaching PE to 8th , 9th, 10th and 12th grades 1980/1981.

PE teacher to 5th and 6th grades (1981/1990).

Appointed to teach PE to Special Needs Students:

Escola Silva Gaio in Coimbra: 1981-1984 project to lead the integration of deaf students in the public school (Silva Gaio deaf students’ Unit).

A.R.C.I.LOUSÃ: 1990-1992; 1993- 1998 teaching PE to students with mental, physical and multiple disabilities, as well as to autistic children.  

Pilot experience in integrating Special Education Needs Students - Escola E.B.2,3 da Lousã  (1988/1999 ; 1989/1990).

Collaborator as training teacher at ESEC -   Coimbra College of Education to teach the unit “Assessment and Intervention Strategies in Motivity and Cognition Problems” integrated in the Specialized Training in Special Education and Postgraduation course (2009).

Guest Assistant Professor of “Portuguese Traditional Games” curricular unit at FCDF-UC -   Faculty of Sports Science and Physical Education of the University of (2011/2012; 2012/2013).

Guest Professor of Traditional Games and sport Summer School, Horta de Sant Joan, Tarragona, Spain; organized by the Departament of Culture of Goverment of Catalonia and the University Rovira i Virgili (2010)



National Athletics Technical Official of the ANDDEM - National Association of Sports for the Mentally Disabled (1990-1995);

National Athletics Technical Official at APPC Portugal - Portuguese Association of Cerebral Palsy (1995-1998);

Cerebral Palsy Athletics National Coordinator (1995- 1998);

Technical Official responsible for the participation of athletes with physical disabilities and cerebral palsy at the 1st  World Championship for disabled -  Berlin’ 94;

Head of Mission and National Cerebral Palsy Technical Official at the European Championship in June/August 1999.

National Athletics Technical Official representing Portugal at Madrid’92 Para- Olympics;

Participation in Berlin 1st World Athletics Championships in 1994, as Athletics Technical Official in the areas of Cerebral Palsy and Motor Disabilities representing the Portuguese Committee.

Athletics Technical Official at the Pan-American Games held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1995.

Team Manager and head coach of the Cerebral Palsy Team at The European Championships held in   Nottingham in 1998.

National Coach at The World Cross Country Championships for disabled (1999).

National Athletics Coordinator at the “Blossoming Almond Tree Cross-Country Running event” for disabled ( 1996).

Coach of   middle distance and long distance  athletes and marchers at high level competition training;

Coach and Technical Official at CFU Coimbra Athletics Section (1982-1984)

Coach and Technical Official at C F Santa Clara Athletics Section;

Coach and Technical Official at Coimbra Academic Association Athletics Section;

Technical Coordinator responsible for the organization, planning and implementation of ten editions of the event “Jogos da Freguesia” held in cooperation with local administrative authorities (Freguesia da Lousã unit).

- I Colloquium International LUDUS - Games and Traditional Toys: Heritage of Humanity. Coimbra - Portugal, 2015.

- I Colloquium Iberian Games and Physical Activity: Bodies, Education and Emotion. Coimbra - Portugal, 2013.



Araújo, P., C., Jaqueira, A., R., Rodrigues, M. D., M. (2015). Os jogos de outros tempos. As representações sociais em idosos portugueses sobre a sua infância. Jogos e Atividade Física na Sociedade Contemporânea. Corpos, Educação e Emoção. De Facto Editores. ISBN 978-989-8557-55-1, p. 181-209.

Jaqueira, A. R., Lavega, P.,  Lagardera, P.,  Araújo, P. C., Rodrigues, M. D. M. (2014). Educando para la paz jugando: género y emociones en la practica de juegos cooperativos competitivos. Educatio Siglo XXI. Monographic issue: Emociones, Educación Física y Juego Motor, V. 32, nº 01, March 2014, p. 15-32.

Araújo, P. C., Jaqueira, A. R., Lavega, P., Rodrigues, M. D. M. (2011). A cross-cultural experience. Traditional sporting games and emotions in Spain, Portugal and Brazil. In: School Physical Education and Student s Quality, Beijing. International Society of Eastern Sports & Physical Education and Sport Science Academic Report of Tschinghua University. v. 12. p. 421-424.

Lavega, P., Araújo, P. C. ; Alonso, J. I., Etxebeste, J., Rodrigues, M. D. M., Jaqueira, A. R. (2013). Enseñar competencias motrices y emocionales en estudiantes universitários. (Teaching motor and emotional competencies in university students). Revista de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte - CCD 22, Año 9, Volumen 8, Murcia 2013, p. 5-15.

Araújo, P., C., Jaqueira, A., R., Rodrigues, M., D., M. (2013). Análise histórica da visão dos intelectuais portugueses sobre a prática dos Jogos Tradicionais ao longo dos tempos. Els jocs en la história. Editorial Afers, Barcelona. Institut Ramon Muntaner, 1ª edició. ISBN 978-84-92542-91-8, p. 250-262.

Rodrigues, M., D., M., Silva, C., M., F., Jaqueira, A., R., Araújo, P., C. (2013). Os jogos tradicionais como veículo de promoção de interculturalidade. Els jocs en la história. Editorial Afers, Barcelona. Institut Ramon Muntaner, 1ª edició. ISBN 978-84-92542-91-8, p. 305-314.

Araújo, P. C., Jaqueira, A. R. ; Rodrigues, M. D. M. (2013). O jogo tradicional como patrimônio cultural luso-brasileiro. O caso do jogo Beto/Betes. In: João Magno Ribas, Elizara Marin. (Org.). 1ªed.Santa Maria: Editora UFSM, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. ISBN 978.85-7391-196-1, p. 235-273.

Araújo, P. C., Jaqueira, A. R., Rodrigues, M. D. M., Cardoso, R. (2010). Particularidades materiais e espaciais do Jogo da Péla na Praia da Tocha – Jogo da Péla na Praia da Tocha: estudo de caso. Espais de joc: patrimoni, turismi i festa. Aeditors, Institut Ramon Muntaner. ISBN 978-849-2673-16-2. Pp. 65-79.

Araújo, P. C., Jaqueira, A. R., Rodrigues, M. D. M., Segorbe, R. (2010). O Jogo na festa: a Festa dos Tabuleiros, patrimônio cultural das gentes de Tomar. Espais de joc: patrimoni, turismi i festa. Aeditors, Institut Ramon Muntaner. ISBN 978-849-2673-16-2, p. 173-186.


Bachelor degree Physical Education by National Institute of Physical Educational, Technical University of Lisbon (1980);

Sports Science and Physical Education  Degree by the Faculty of Sports Science and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra (2002);

Phd Course Student student  Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education of the University of Coimbra in University of Coimbra, ( Title: Games, Sports and Culture:  Analysis of emotions in college students).

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