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Position in project: Coordinator of Researchers team in Festival of Verona. BRIDGE Researcher of  Istituto L. Calabrese – P. Levi

Surname, First name: Bortolotti, Alessandro

Organisation: University de Bolonia   

Position/Category: Professor





  • Assistant Professor at the Department of Quality for Life, University of Bologna (2007- present)

  • He is a former teacher in Physical Education and Special Education at College since 1986.

  • He currently holds the courses in Special Education and Outdoor Education at the Physical Education School, and in Psychomotor Education at a Department of Education Master program.

  • As winner of competition in 2007, now he is researcher in Didactic and Special education at the University of Bologna, where he teaches Special Education, Outdoor Education and Motor Praxeology. He also holds courses for Master degrees and CPD. He does his research at the Department for the Quality of Life Studies based in Rimini.He is also member of the research international group "Jeux et Pratiques Ludiques" of CEMEA (Paris), of AIPRAM (Association International de Praxelogie Motrice) and of an international consortium specialized in Outdoor Education, with partners mostly spread in Scandinavia and Great Britain, such as the Universities of Edinburgh, Plymouth, VIA (Aarhus), Linkopping.

  • His research, development projects and teaching fell within the following areas:

    • Teaching and learning in formal and informal contexts, e.g. Outdoor Learning, Inclusive education and Grassroots Sport, particularly for disabled people and in early childhood. He took part in the European Project “Value Scout”, aiming at investigating the educational values within the field of Sport; and LINC, a Comenius Project about Outdoor learning, aiming at improve the integration for Immigrants through Outdoor activities programs and projects.

  • His educational training was usually accompanied by professional experiences, carried out in two directions: in the field of school teaching in one hand, and through the collaboration at the University on the other hand. At school, He had his first experiences teaching Physical Education, to continue the early 90's with supporting students with disabilities. 


Bibliographic References of Relevant Studies

2014. Outdoor Learning In-Service Training for Teachers. A case Study form Prato. pp.61-68. In EDUCATIA PLUS - ISSN:2068-1151 vol. Special Issue 2014

2013. Outdoor Motor Play: Analisys, Speculations, research path. pp.65-86. In Ceps Journal - ISSN:1855-9719 vol. Vol.3 (n.3) (with Ceciliani A.)

2013. Il Tchoukball, lo “sport del domani”. pp.20-25. In Educazione Fisica E Sport Nella Scuola - ISSN:1722-9545 vol. 242

2013. Corpo e condotte motorie. pp.57-70. In: Relazioni in gioco, Trentatré giochi della tradizione internazionale – ISBN:9788895726052

2011. Sportivi si cresce: gioco e sport nel contesto formativo. pp.5-30 in: Rassegna Bibliografica (n.1)

2010. 24 Fiches du Jeux, In: Jeux du monde d'ici et d'ailleur, CEMEA (with Parlebas et Alii)

2010. Condotte motorie, gioco e sport. pp.41-61. In: A corpo libero. Sport, animazione e gioco – ISBN:9788861840485 (with Ceciliani A.)

2010. Cooperative physical education and socialisation in primary school. pp.1.6.1-1.6.22. In:How To Progress On Educational Quality Assurance - ISBN:9788461425679 (with Ceciliani A.)

2008. Pedagogy of Body and Education of the Disabled Persons: Some Speculations. pp.69-82. In Stiinta Sportului - ISSN:1453-018X vol. 1(62) (with Filippi C.)


Physical Education degree at ISEF (Physical Education Higher Institute) in 1985,

Diploma of Special Education  in 1992, Diploma in Pedagogy in 1998;

Diploma in Physical Education in 2000, with a dissertation about Pedagogy of sport;

PhD in Education, 2006  with the doctoral dissertation: "Training Risk. Body in Play and the Educational Adventure".

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