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Associazione Giochi Antichi (Simona Puggioni – AGA secretariat)

Created by a group of players playing at traditional games in Verona, Associazione Giochi Antichi (AGA) is a reference point in promotion of traditional sports and games in Italy. Among its main aims stands out the promotion of improvement and safeguarding of TSGs; the realization of studies and surveys supporting TSGs in Italy and everywhere in the world. It is member of ETSGA and GioNa (Associazione Nazionale Città in Gioco – National Association of Cities that play); it organizes exhibitions, events and cultural initiatives promoting TSGs and encouraging the re-use of public spaces. Among these events emerges Tocatì, International Festival of Games in the Streets. This annual event has become in the last years a steady meeting place for lots of local, national or international people, players, researchers, professors, artists and policy makers.

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