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ITALY: L. Calabrese - P. Levi (in process to become partner)

L. Calabrese – P. Levi

Lucia Allari:


L. Calabrese – P. Levi” High School is located in the pleasant Valpolicella in the north district of Verona and its catchment area are boys and girls arriving from the Lessinia alpine and hill area, from Valpolicella itself, and from the towns of Valdadige.

L. Calabrese – P. Levi” high school provides services to students aged between 14 and 19 (grades 9 through 13 ) offering them several courses of studies.

It has two branches: the headquarters is in San Pietro in Cariano and the separate branch in San Floriano.

It is strictly connected with its own territory, the Valpolicella, that is a well-known area for the wine production and for the marble working, but our school is also open to the tourism sector sustained by many wine and food offers, by the presence of quality hotels, by excursions to heritage sites (country manors, churches) and natural sites. ( Molina’s fall, Fumane’s cave).

The third sector too is increasingly developing with its several non- profit associations and cooperatives.

During the years our school has met all these solicitations from the territory adapting and widening its courses of studies in order to provide students with a wide, deep scientific and technical knowledge.

“L. Calabrese – P. Levi” high school offers four “lyceum” (university preparatory) courses: two courses based on science and math, one based on foreign languages, one based on social studies; and three  “technical” (vocational) courses: one based  on accountancy and marketing, one based on information technology, one based  on environment  and territory studies.

In the last years “L. Calabrese – P. Levi” high school has been fostering didactic innovation through both teacher training and didactic, multidisciplinary projects in collaboration with local partners too, with the aim to meet the adult target as well.

Our institute offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities such as: foreign languages courses for the European certification, information technology courses for the European certification, theatre course, photography course, sports activities, international and national internship, work experiences.

The school has a big experience in multicultural exchanges. There is a Group of teachers that are responsible of organizing intercultural events and workshops.

Our school has among its purpose to stimulate students to practise sports. We realize it through a sports group and educational tours to learn about new sports.

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