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Position in project: BRIDGE Resercher of Collège-Lycée Public Jules Verne  (Nantes) promoting TSG

Surname, First name: Bordes, Pascal

Organisation: Faculty UFR STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), University Paris V-Descartes, PP7

Position/Category: Professor





Associate professor in Physical Education (professeur agrégé) since 1987,

Since 2002: Professor, University Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité.


Academic Activity:

Professor of Sociology and Social psychology.

Responsible for preparing Physical Education Chair competitions/oppositions from 2007 to 2014.

Juror of National Competitions for the selection of physical education teachers.

Responsible of the "Psychosocial Health through Sport" Master Program


Specific Academic Activity in the field of Traditional Games and Sports:

Member of the research group "Games and play practices" of the CEMEA (France).

Senior publications: 2002 Jeux sans frontières (24 intercultural games); 1994 Jeux sans frontière (24 intercultural games).

Responsible for training courses "Traditional Games" for teachers of the Paris Academy.

Responsible for teaching courses "Traditional Games" in UFR Staps at the University of Paris Descartes.

His research topics include: sportizationand desportivizacion phenomena, urban streets practices and intercultural differences in sport and game modalities.



PhD. Thesis title: "L’organisation sociale de la classe d’éducation physique. Modalités de regroupement, relations interpersonnelles et progrés des élèves " (2000).

Jury members: Professor Pierre Parlebas (Jury President, University Paris-Descartes, Sorbonne), Professor Bertrand During (University Paris-Descartes Sorbonne), Professor Marc Durand, University Montpellier), Professor Jean-Michel Morin (Professor University Paris-Descartes, Sorbonne)

Mention obtained: Very Honourable with honors unanimously.




Position in project: BRIDGE Resercher of Collège-Lycée Public Jules Verne (Nantes) promoting TSG

Surname, First name: Oboeuf, Alexandre

Organisation: Faculty UFR STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), University París-Descartes University Paris V- Descartes  

Position/Category: Professor




Since 2013: Professor, University Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité.

2013 to present: Researcher seconded to the Medical Ethics Centre of the Catholic University of Lille in the LABCAP project (20%).

2012-2013: Training in the function of co-design Animator (Expert Level).

2011-2013: Professor at the Catholic University of Lille.

2008-2010: Teaching Assistant and Research at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie.

2006-2008: Teaching assistant at the University of Picardie Jules Verne.

2005-2008: Research Fellow, University Paris Descartes.

Alexander Oboeuf interested particulary to traditional games like vehicle for socialization, as he shows in his book "Sport, communication and socialization." How traditional games he promote relational well-being of the players? He is the author of two books and more than 20 papers indexed He is a member of three scientific committees in International Scientific Journals.



17 November 2008: PhD thesis for graduation of Doctor of the University Paris Descartes, Durkheim Amphitheatre, Sorbonne.Thesis title: "The" secret code "of communication. Study of some sporting games. "

Mention obtained: Very Honourable with honors unanimously.

2004-2005: Master 2 Université Paris V, Sorbonne, entitled "Sociology of contemporary society." (Major).

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